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carrd designed by cassiaslair | cherry valla.
crystal • coeurl
mist • ward 28 • plot 45
9 PM CST to 12 AM CST
be sure to adhere to the venue rules to ensure a good time for all patrons & staff. failure to comply may result in you being asked to leave, or banned.note: site is optimized for desktop viewing.

First and foremost: this is a 21+ venue. You must be 21+, both IC & OOC, to enter & purchase services.
We have a strict no tolerance policy for: bigotry (homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc), no nsfw public or otherwise, drama, etc. have common sense, do not be disgusting.
Please refrain from using /shout or /yell channels. These are strictly reserved for staff members to make important announcements periodically during operation hours.
Please refrain from spamming your emotes, or being a general nuisance. Please do not come into our venue to troll, or grief our staff & patrons. no spamming of emotes, no harassment of anyone, no spamming abilities, etc. Please conduct yourself respectfully on our premises.
Please be kind to our patrons & staff. Do not harass them in any way, shape, or form.
Please keep your weapons & minions sheathed & hidden. This venue does not allow weapons or minions on the premises.
If you are found to be harassing anyone, you will be asked to leave. This applies to paid sessions as well. If you make the staff uncomfortable, they are within their right to end the session & ask you to leave.
We do not issue refunds of services in cases of harassment or boundaries being crossed. Please be sure that you are obtaining consent for anything you RP, & that you are clear about what you are going to be writing. If you spring something on our staff without consent & make them uncomfortable, you will be asked to leave & you will not be receiving a refund. For more serious cases, you may be banned.
Please do not enter an FC room without renting it first. To ensure the rooms are empty and ready for the photographers or customers who rent them, we do not allow anyone in the rooms unless you have rented them.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in you being asked to leave, or banned. To ensure we all enjoy ourselves, please try your best to conduct yourself respectfully.
message book
enjoyed your visit at our venue? leave us a message in our message book!
Here, you will find our list of available services, which may vary from staff to staff. Be sure to check in with individual staff to see what they offer, or what they're willing to do. They are free to deny any service as they see fit.
Before beginning or inquiring about any services, be sure that you have the consent of the staff member of your choice. We recommend that you take the time to approach the staff member face-to-face and speak to them prior to making an attempt to book them.
We do not provide ERP as a service. That is something all employees can decide and do for themselves.
private dances
All sessions will be handled by the staff member you hire.Each individual staff member is free to dictate how far they go with touch or the dance, but anything beyond a casual strip tease may constitute as ERP and you will be required to discuss that with the individual employee.
SFW table service
100k/hourPrivate SFW RP:
200k/hourNSFW RP:
for 1 hour:
+100k per additional person.